The Nature of Reality: One Interpretation
[other vital sources (for editing/additions): Anthony den Hartog; Walter Lanyon]
It is clear to those with spiritual insight that the Universe is the product of the consciousness of [the/our] SOURCE. (1) (SOURCE/God may also be defined/described as: First Cause.)
Whether they are consciously aware of it in this realm or not, all humans are awesome multi-dimensional spiritual beings who create their reality (in all realms) through the thought processes of their MIND. (2)
As such, all humans are entirely responsible for their circumstances and what 'happens' to them whether they are aware of it or not [with negative (or fear-based) emotions working just as surely/powerfully as positive emotions; many times, more so ~ and being human, with emotions, we may be effected by those things brought about/into being by the thought process of others]. This process operates in the Physical Universe under clearly defined universal Laws of Manifestation | Karma | Reaping What You Sow** (of which the laws of physics are but an aspect), although the EGO consciousness of most humans at the present 'time' is completely unaware of this process and as a consequence most humans live their lives on Earth under the mistaken belief (i.e., delusion) that what happens to them in their life is due to circumstances outside themselves and beyond their control. (3)
Belief Systems (4)
From the perspective that all Reality is the product of consciousness, it should be clear that a person's beliefs are very important because those beliefs define the limits of their experience in this realm.
Most humans currently live their lives in this realm around the belief systems of others, be that of their parents', peers', mentors' or society's and because of this they inadvertently give up their ability (and responsibility) to define their reality and have control over their lives. And Jesus said unto them, "Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Matthew 17:20.
With this in mind, it is very important that each individual comes to his/her own conclusions about all matters in general and spirituality in particular, rather than blindly embracing the views of others. The purpose of Creation in general and Human 'Beings' in particular is for SOURCE to 'experience'. In other words, the sole purpose of 'being' human is to bring to the SOURCE/CREATOR (God) our 'individual' perceptions and consciousness around the experiences we create. (In a sense the sum of individual parts exceeds the Whole [synergy], but I digress...) "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. [14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth." John 1:12-14.
The more conscious humans become of this process, the richer the experience. It is for this reason most mystics throughout the ages have said the same thing regarding the sacred task facing all Human Beings--namely that they learn to know themselves. (i.e., "Know Thyself")--meaning humans are to explore and exercise their God given creativity from within this realm for the purpose of experience and through this process eventually find the flaw in the game/drama and 're-discover' that they are an individualized, but inseparable aspects of God (i.e., their Source) -- For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. Acts 17:28.
"The WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only planting of the LORD, the Spiritual Man, producing life more abundant as we become aware of our identity. The Genesis Creation is the ORIGINAL IDEA; the purpose for all to experience life to the fullest. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10. Life as God has ordained it, for this is the only intent of God, to impart Life to you through His Word. It is the LOGOS or WORD of GOD, which we are born of, if we receive the Son in our heart the only begotten One." [Anthony den Hartog]
William Blake (18th century poet and philosopher) summed it up perfectly with the following lines from his epic poem 'Jerusalem' in which he said:
"I must Create a System,
or be enslav'd by another Man's;
I will not Reason and Compare;
my business is to Create." (5)
The author Robertson Davies was even more brutally honest in his book The Deptford Trilogy (p 477), when he said:
"Be sure to choose what you believe and know why you believe it, because if you don't choose your beliefs, you may be certain that some belief, and probably not a very creditable one, will choose you."
What all this means is that a person should embrace ideas and beliefs that sit well with him or her at the present time, whilst keeping in mind that as awareness about reality expands with the advent of new experiences, so must one's concept of reality change accordingly. (6)
1. Quantum Physics is knocking on the door of the concept that reality is a product of consciousness associated with the Observer Effect which states: "there is no phenomena until it is observed" [e.g., If a tree falls in the forrest...].
2. Mind is just another word for 'consciousness'. At its essence consciousness is simply an expression of SOURCE and as such probably defies definition--it just IS. SOURCE: "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14. Consciousness is at the heart of all reality because it is the Source of all reality in the experiental realms. Mind (consciousness) is not the product of a physical brain. The physical brain is just a filter (albeit an incredibly sophisticated one) whose purpose is to limit a human's unlimited (i.e., infinite) potential for experience down to clearly defined parameters for the purpose of experience within the SELF defined limits of the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. The Physical Universe is a rather special realm because it is a realm defined by the limits of apparent opposites (hot versus cold, up versus down, here versus there, good versus evil, etc) and linear time, all operating under fairly rigid (and ostensively fixed) 'rules' known as the laws of physics. The main purpose of the Physical Universe is for one to experience the illusion of separation [for a time].
"The living Creative Principle is also the ordination of your life. IF you can live without the conscience [of the realm of opposites/duality--good vs. evil] and know who you are; you bring forth the fruit of the Spirit for by not having a feeling of Lack or fear of death and have fulfilled Cosmic Law. It is the activity of the Grace of God, not the demands of the law that brings Life to the fullest. God does not require us to do anything but be a beholder of His activity, without feeling inadequate." [Walter Lanyon] "But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless." Matthew 12:7.
Jesus said; “Though I bare record of myself, my record is true, for I know from whence I came and where I am going, but ye cannot tell where I came from or wither I am going. You judge after the conscience of your fathers and I judge no man for good or for evil.”
"We see here that all political or religious institutions of all times are initiated from a sense of duty, like the teacher in the school reminded me that I cannot be a dreamer, but that I must face up [to] the demands of the system and obey it!
However, the servant who lives by the conscienceness of good and evil, will also die the death, for the wages of the conscience [sin] is death.
However, do not stop there; the gift of Spontaneity (or living from within) is LIFE everlasting. This realisation is the Light of Life, which is indeed the consciousness of all man, free from the Morality of Church dogma, living, without having a sense of duty, for the son of God abides forever. When He, Jesus, has come into our heart consciously, and we let Him in our hearts, without a sense of I have to do something to please God in sacrifice or prayer, I am in HARMONY with the DIVINE WILL. “Be still and know that my Father and I are one.”" [Anthony den Hartog]
NOTE: The Physical Universe is a consensus reality--meaning it is a product of the minds of all the points of consciousness (i.e., BEINGS) involved. The so called 'fixed' laws of physics operating in the Physical Universe have been devised and put in place by the higher SELF aspect of all the BEINGS involved. In summary, the 'laws' of physics in this realm are self imposed by all involved and have no 'real' reality in themselves. As such they can be transcended--something numerous humans such as Jesus and Sai Baba have demonstrated throughout history. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." John 14: 12. ~ "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight."Luke 10:19-21.
3. Humans are awesome multi-dimensional spiritual beings who experience many realms 'simultaneously'. (NOTE: 'time' has no meaning outside the Physical Universe) Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” John 8:58. Jesus proclaims with authority that "I am the beginning and end, I am the Alfa and Omega" Revelation 22:13. [From me time originates and to me time returns] "I am the Way and the Truth and Life." John14: 6. [Every law abides in Me].
The Physical Universe is a limited realm defined by an essential duality of apparent opposites (hot vs. cold, here vs. there, up vs. down, good vs. evil, etc) and linear time. The beliefs humans hold in their minds about the limits of each duality defines those limits and through the auspices of that process creates their reality. Thus for example, a human who believes the Earth is flat usually only perceives evidence supporting the illusion of a flat Earth and unconsciously filters out any evidence to the contrary.
The Physical Universe is a realm designed specifically for the purpose of Beings to experience the illusion of being separate from SOURCE. (i.e., God) To add realism to this "concept" of separation, the aspect of humans operating in the Physical Universe, namely the EGO SELF, is usually (but not always) deliberately structured to be unaware of its true state of Being--that being that they are an individualized, but inseparable aspects of Source. Because of this state of affairs, most humans on Earth at the present 'time' are completely unaware of the Laws of Manifestation or the fact the Physical Universe is a consensus reality involving the consentient agreement of all involved to bring it into manifestation and as a result of this, the Ego Self of most humans vehemently denies it is responsible for everything that happens in its life.
4. Belief Systems involve all aspects of human existence, not just the doctrine and dogma pertaining to science, politics and religion.
5. Source: William Blake Web Page
6. There is an old saying of the Lord Buddha which illustrates the point about 'belief' quite well. One day one of his disciples came to Buddha and said "Lord, whom shall I believe? One man telleth me this and another that, and both seem sure they are right." The Lord Buddha replied: "My son, believe not that which any man saith, not even I, unless it appeals to your common sense. And even then do not believe it, but treat it as a reasonable hypothesis until such time as you can prove it for yourself." (Source: Soul's Journey' by Peter Richelieu; page 1)
** {Laws of Manifestation/Karma/Reaping What You Sow may be transended by overcoming the belief in the world of dualities (good vs. evil). "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:39. "We must now develop a whole new spiritual awareness of our true nature, our name, our constitution, what the Body of Christ, Body of Sin, mortality and immortality is. In all of these things we have to know the letter of truth to be able to transcend all our material living and standards in which we have previously trusted.
The embodiment of sin is what we call mortality and this mortality must take on immortality. How? Mortality has to die. The ego has to die daily. It has to die to its former self-preservation mechanisms and must go through the same things that Jesus went through. Some people will say, "No, Jesus did that for me." No beloved, no one can do anything for anyone, you like Jesus must die to all our previous concepts of body and mind or reckon yourself to be dead to whatever is making an appearance. You have to experience exactly the same things Jesus did, except that Jesus was the forerunner who demonstrated that resurrection was not only a possibility but an eternal truth. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
II Corinthians 10: 5.
Learn to distinguish between personality and individuality: Personality believes because the fathers have sinned, the evil shall be visited on countless generations. Personality’s inherent power is the knowledge of both good and evil. Personality is the mask of imaginary being, the dream of Adam as a separate selfhood! Personality is basically a negative emotion. It carries with it all the complexes and inhibitions belonging to the character it assumes. Personality comes under the law of heredity, environment, opportunity and chance; it functions from the plane of the relative, thereby operating under the vicious influences of all relative emotions.
Individuality, in contradistinction to personality acknowledges no dominion outside itself (Truly refusing to recognize evil negates its power). Individuality is Christ, Messiah of all, created in the Image and likeness of the only true God, the Father of All. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." [Anthony den Hartog] } "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 *But Christ is/takes many forms. Therefore, showing the true beauty of His words, removing any fear.
[emphasis added]
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